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Yoga Practices
Yoga Warm Up Series, Seated.pdf
Yoga Warm Up Series, Standing.pdf
Printable Yoga Snacks courtesy of the Integral Yoga Institute NY team.
Struggling with hand or wrist arthritis-.pdf Courtesy of YFA Program Director, Christa Fairbrother
YFA How To Use Props.pdf Courtesy of YFA Instructor Karen DeNoto Armstrong
Yoga Variations
Sun Salutations with a Chair
6 Tips for Practicing Yoga with Arthritis
Safely Get Up From the Floor
Yoga Therapy for Arthritis Book "Your Questions Answered" Video Series
We are so inspired by questions from our community that many have made their way into the new Yoga Therapy for Arthritis Book. As an added bonus, you can now enjoy your own video library of questions sent in by yoga students and by yoga teachers just like you!!
Singing Dragon Yoga Summit
The Singing Dragon first-ever Virtual Yoga Summit explored the theme of Inclusive Yoga across a host of virtual channels throughout two content-packed, educational and interactive days. From social media Q&As and webinars, through articles and podcasts they explored a wide range of topics around inclusivity. Highlights include:
A webinar with Shelly Prosko, Marlysa Sullivan & Neil Pearson and Amy Wheeler. Shelly, Marlysa and Neil have a new book they co-edited and co-authored called: “Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain” that features Dr. Steffany Moonaz as a contributor
Other highlights include:
An article on hosting an LGBTQ+ friendly class from Lana Skrypnyk
A live Q&A on body positivity and fighting against the biases in yoga with Donna Noble
A webinar from Heather Mason on social prescribing in the UK
A live class with Sian O'Neill, which you can follow from wherever you are through our live stream!
Audio Recordings
Yoga for Preventing or Slowing Arthritis
Steffany discusses the research she has preformed in preventing or slowing arthritis.
Meditation encourages the activation of our relaxation response, a process opposite the stress response – which is often active when we are in pain. Meditation also encourages us to focus our attention in a present, and non-judgmental fashion to help us more easfully accept our experiences.
Join Dr. Moonaz as she leads you through progressive muscle relaxation and invites you through a sweet and gentle b0dy scan to relax your whole body from head to toe!
In just 13 minutes you can feel rested, rejuvenated, and and a heightened sense of awareness and presence.
Ageism and Ableism: Creating Welcoming Yoga Spaces
Panel discussion at the Accessible Yoga Conference NYC with Steffany Moonez, founder of Yoga for Arthritis, Prakash Capen, Integral Yoga Teacher and Minister, Mirabai Hubbell, chair of the Older Adults Department at City College, and Char Grossman, founder of YogaReach.
Research Papers
Fear of Movement and Associated Factors among Adults with Symptomatic Knee.pdf
Minding the Mind Body Literature.pdf
Proprioception in knee osteoarthritis a narrative review.pdf
Psychophysciologic Effects of Hatha Yoga on Musculoskeletal..l.pdf
Socially Transmitted Placebo Effects.pdf
Intraocular Pressure Rise in Subjects with and without Glaucoma.PDF
Treating major depression with yoga.pdf
Arthritis and Body Weight
Take Charge of your Weight Conference from The Institute for Integrative Health
Take Charge of your Weight.pdf from The Institute for Integrative Health
Arthritis and Chronic Health Management From a Yoga Perspective.pdf from Program Director, Christa Fairbrother
Yoga for Arthritis and Chronic Pain Workshop.pdf from YFA Master Teacher Ann Swanson
Arthritis Today Meditation Article.pdf
Compassionate Presence Paper.pdf
Drug Free Therapies for Chronic Pain.pdf
How Does Acute Pain Become Chronic.pdf
Personal Yoga Practice.pdf
Steps to Elicit the Relaxation Response.pdf
Dr. Moonaz 2017 Accessible Yoga Conference NYC Keynote Address- Yoga is not something you DO AYC2017.pdf
Resources on Specific Rheumatic Diseases
Ankylosing spondylitis
A Patients Guide to Living with AS.pdf
The British Society for Rheumatology Guideline for the Management of Gout.pdf
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Growing up with Juvenile Arthritis Webinar
Iyengar Yoga for Young Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis.pdf
Juvenile Arthritis Webinar Slides.pdf
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
mixed connective tissue disease.pdf
Psoriatic Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
A Patients Guide to Living with RA.pdf
Sjogren's Syndrome
Resources for download on the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation's website HERE.
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Note: None of these materials should be reproduced without express permission from the author.